We would like to use this site, independent from Facebook, to facilitate finding a suitable spots (such as abandoned villages) to start building sustainable living communities in Spain. Here, we can put together information that is useful for all forming villages and existing villages. This is not only about us, but about saving the world one sustainable community at the time. We can share what we know with the world, and that is why we are sharing this information publicly, in a decentralized way.
Many people have expressed their interest in being a part of it. We feel blessed that there are many like-minded people out there. Sharing ideas and visions are always welcome, so do let us know if you have any places, ideas or other information to share. Do you think this internet website is useful? Do you see the advantage of sharing information here for “our” future village/community, but also for all the others? Please comment below!
How to contribute to this site
This site works like a wiki. If you’re logged in you can edit all the pages you see. There is a sophisticated workflow you see on the dashboard, after you log in (it depends on all of the editors how this will be used)
If you’re logged in, you can add a location (ecovillage, abandoned village, permaculture project, etc) you know about by clicking “+New” > “Place” and filling in the information. You can locate it on the map at the bottom of the edit screen through searching or browsing (zooming) the map. You can also add tags and categories, to make the place easier to find.
Virtual Villages
We have created the page villagers: it is a group profile where we ask everybody to write a short description about themselves. We want to put this on one page to underline the fact that we work as a team (but are not a commune!).
The idea is simple: If you want to be part of another group, you can easily “move” from one virtual village to another. No hard feelings – because that is what this stage is all about: creating groups that can work together well. Of course there will be internal struggles in every normal group, but we can make sure they don’t become too serious by joining the virtual village where we fit best. For example: You can move to another group (or create that group yourself!) by just removing your information from one virtual village and pasting it in another.
Network of villages
The next stage is that these Virtual Villages turn into real villages! We’ll be a network of villages, that can cooperate. A reason for this might be that we grow too large as a group, or not everybody shares the same vision. Positively expressed: People focus on different values, such as veganism, activism, permaculture, arts, spirituality. Of course finding the right balance is important, but at the end of the day, we want everyone to live a fulfilling and sustainable life. Any thoughts please!
Links, Wiki’s, general information
You can add new links to interesting community pages, wiki’s, sharing platforms etc. Links appear in the right sidebar. We are collecting these links together!
Suggestions for the layout are always welcome. If some of you have some graphics/artworks to share it would be great to use them to make the site more visually enjoyable.